Tuesday, September 13, 2011

video day! (nite actually)

Video nite, yay!

As we said in class, your weekly blog posts can now be all typed... or all vlogged... or a combo... whatever works for you! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remix Culture!

Hi Guys! It was great meeting everyone tonight! I love the Hiking / Land Art project you all dreamt up tonight -- so cool -- we've never done that before! Lets be sure to get you guys collaborating on a nice location that's not too strenuous so everyone can do it, and that has something interesting for us to interact / create with -- I'll try to show you some Earth & Land Art soon so you can start thinking about some interesting locations...

Anyway, as I mentioned, tonight was a "mini-lecture" on Remix Culture and other ideas. Here are those 3 videos I showed:

Above is the Grand Rapids Lip Dub. It's a crazy amazing piece featuring SO many people. Is it a "new" idea? Is it art breaking bounds and discovering new ideas? Maybe... Maybe not... but it is a celebration of culture... of a place and some of the people who make up that community.

Below is the video by Julian Sanchez of the Cato Institute. In it he makes a case that our aggressive copyright policy, while "supporting" creativity by giving financial incentive to the creator, also denies the generative and collaborative nature of creativity by criminalizing the remix activities of many young people. The guy you see speaking near the beginning of Sanchez video is Lawrence Lessig of the Berkman Center. Lessig is a major thinker on shared culture and creativity in the 21st century.

Sanchez talks about the Brooklyn and San Francisco Brat Pack / Lisztomania videos, and in class I mentioned that dozens of cities have now used this "cultural template" or "meme" to create their own version of this music video. The last video I showed was the Taipei version:

So that's a little about tonight's ideas. As I type this I see the bright orange PUBLISH POST button just underneath, and if you recall I also talked about how that button doesn't only mean "Turn in my Homework" but it is also the dream of so many people in America and across the globe yearning to build a deeper, more inclusive culture. You might think about that when you hit that button, and you might like to say a bit about it in your blog post for this week.

If you have any questions, just ask them in a "Comment" to this blog post.

And when you create your blog, give me the link to it in a comment to this post.

Have a great week... LMK if you need anything... and I'll see you next Tuesday!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Fall 2011!!

Welcome to Fall Semester 2011!
Welcome to Cypress College!!
Welcome to Art100!!!

Dear Class,

I apologize I am not able to be with you tonight for the first week! :(

This is the first class I have missed in 7 semesters here at Cypress College, and I'm sorry it comes on your first night.

If you are enrolled or on the wait list, it is very important that you sign in today. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that we will have room for anyone not already on the wait list.

Please take a look at the syllabus:

And order your textbook right away. You can get it in the Cypress College bookstore, but you will very possibly want to order a lower priced copy online. If you do, please use something like 2-day shipping and not 7-10 day shipping.

Looking forward to a great semester!

-- Glenn

PS: in the video I say that "Liz Juarez" will meet with you tonight, but as you already know, Heather Walker is covering the course for week 1. Thank you Heather and I look forward to meeting you all next week!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Summer!

Happy Summer everyone! Thanks for a great semester! It's 6pm on Monday May 23rd. I hope to have all your final points up by the end of the night. I'll send out an email when I do.

I've learned a lot in the past 4 months, I hope you have too.

Happy Trails!

-- Glenn

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Marina Abramovic

Nice Marina Abramovic discussions in both 9a & 11a this week. I was going to post the trailer for Fight Club, to see if you found a kinship there... but, hahaha, wound up with Lady Gaga instead! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Mother's Day Portrait"

"Mother's Day Portrait" by woodenmask
"Mother's Day Portrait", a photo by woodenmask on Flickr.
WoW, IDK if we have any moms in all those Art110 students over @CSULB, but here @Cypress in Art100 we have several.

Happy Mother's Day, Art100 Moms!

You know, the United States has already had an openly gay Vice President... and we've already had a sitting Vice President commit murder... but we've never had a Mom Vice President... (or, obviously, President)

Maybe someday...

Oh, PS: the M3 points are up on BlackBoard

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finding Art!

Wed 27 April
♦ 9a = Meet at Tennis Courts
♦ 11a = Meet in Room

Monday, April 25, 2011

Projects4 - Alternative Media

• Artist Presentations Due on Dates Below
• Everything else due by Monday, 16 May

  • Erica Washington
  • Huda Shafique

  • Min Rattachandani
  • Krysta Penfield
  • Sydney Nelson
  • Bradley Miera
  • Claire Mezzetta

  • Andrea Melgoza
  • Kevin McGougan
  • Brandon Lovelace
  • Eduardo Lopez
  • Stephany Lopez
  • Lelley Lopez

  • Jasmine Lee
  • Joana Khounthavong
  • Torsten Keil-Long
  • Molly Huerta
  • Jill Horvath
  • Ariah Green

  • BK Fernandez
  • Bhrugesh Desai
  • Sean DeYoung
  • Lyndsay Bordy
  • Nathalie Bonifaz
  • Jessica Alamo

  • David Welz
  • Tin Trang

  • Jonathon Torres
  • Valerie Terronez
  • Montel Taylor
  • Patrick Lavey
  • Danny Servin
  • Gladys Seisay

  • Antonella Saturno
  • Kaitlyn Ongie
  • Juan Olivares
  • David Odierno
  • Rachele Lombard
  • Chris Lett

  • Chesha Lessig
  • Young Lee
  • Evelyn Jordan
  • Megan Jansen
  • Phuc Huynh
  • Jessica Harrington

  • Ashia Foard
  • Matthew \Dyer
  • Kristil Chappell
  • Dellanira Castaneda
  • Quynhnhu Cao
  • Kelxey Caldwell

You may go to Farmlab or the Museum of Jurassic Technology

Pick One:
• Performance Art
• Land or Earth Art
• Flashmob
• Happening

These do not need to be "large scale" events. They can be modest. Document with Videos or Photos and Text on your blog.

2 / week

Lauren Bon / Not a Cornfield / Farmlab
David Wilson / Museum of Jurassic Technology
Velaslavasay Panorama
Camera Obscura Santa Monica

Survival Research Laboratories
Burning Man
Cacophony Society
Improv Everywhere
Kevin Bracken

Marina Abramovic
Allan Kaprow
Vanessa Beecroft
Ana Mendieta
Xavier Cha
Jamie Isenstein
Nancy Popp (the performance artist, the not workout guru)
Yoko Ono
Joseph Beuys

Maurizio Cattelan
Marcel Duchamp

James Turrell
Robert Smithson
Andy Goldsworthy
Maya Lin
Isamu Noguchi

Hussein Chalayan
Vivienne Westwood
Alexander McQueen
Donatella Versace

Points for M4
• Up to8 points for your 8 artist analysis blogs
• Up to 4 points for Class Participation / Thoughtful Questions on Artist Presentations
• Up to 4 points for your Museum Trip & Analytic Write-up
• Up to 4 points for your M4 Art Project
• Up to 5 points for your M4 Artist Presentation
25 points possible for M4

In this series of funny, silly, wonderful videos, Athena Reich lays out a nice foundation for the medium of Performance Art.

What is Performance Art?

Research other Artists!

Do The Research: Spit Out Your Art!

Get a Concept / Make People Think!

How To Be Outrageous


Reflect, Revise & Do It Again!

Questions4 - Alternative Media

Module 4 - Alternative Media

From 25 April to 20 May, you can use this page for all your questions to Glenn or your classmates.
  • Questions about Artists, Projects, etc

For Carpooling (finding a ride / offering a ride) try the Carpool Page:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Claire Bear Art Show

Hi Guys!

Here's the card from Claire Bear's friends' art show! Yay!


Should we all go to the opening?

Should I bribe you with EC?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Questions3 - New Media

Module 3 - New Media

From 28 Mar to 20 April, you can use this page for all your questions to Glenn or your classmates.
  • Questions about Artists or Projects
  • Museum Carpools
  • Anything!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Projects3 - New Media


Second Life
Counterfactual Identity

Module 3 Changes

When is everything due?

Even though we're not exactly doing groups anymore, we will still use those groups to know approximately when you are presenting your artist:
• Mon 4 Apr - Group A, B
• Wed 6 Apr - Group B, C
• Mon 11 Apr - Group C, D
• Mon 13 Apr - Group C, D

For most groups I listed 2 days, you might go either depending on how things go. But our order of presentations will be from last names of "A" to last names of "Z" for Module 3. On Module 4 we'll go in the opposite direction.

• Finished with final posting not later than Sunday 17 April.

It's 3 per week. Something like 1 on M, 1 on W, 1 on F would be great. Yes, I suppose I'll survive if you do all 3 on Sunday of that week. All 12 should be on your blog and available for grading not later than Sunday 17 April

Museum Trip
UCI / Beall Center for Art + Technology
Admission: Free
Parking: Varies

The Norton Simon was "medium," LACMA was "huge," and The Beall is "small"... it's more of a "Gallery" than a "Museum" actually, but for a decade now, The Beall has been at the forefront of new and innovative media. Their current exhibition is:

Inflatable Bodies:
Chico MacMurtrie
Amorphic Robot Works

Feb 3 - May 7, 2011
Tue-Wed 12-5
Thu-Fri-Sat 12-8

Art Project
You have several choices for your New Media project. You do not have to do them all. Pick any ONE that you'd like to do:


Create a short fine art video. You may work in a group of your choice (may mix students from 9a & 11a) or you may work individually.

• Second Life Project - create a free account at http://secondlife.com and practice "life drawing" in the virtual world by making 4 or more different "shapes" for your avatar. Possible shape ideas include: very close to First Life Me, very different, fantasy "ideal," fantasy "bizarre," etc

For the "as close to me as possible" put a mirror next to your laptop or desktop and really try to "draw" the features of your face - how far apart are my eyes? How wide are they? etc



I've commented a number of times that a work of fiction can often contain more truth than a work of fact. Cookbooks, gardening books, computer books - they all are filled with hopefully true facts, but they don't really contain the deeper human truths our souls yearn for. Bill Shakespeare's stuff is "made up," yet it contains some of the most powerful human truth we have ever known.


Meanwhile... you could argue that all art in the last 6,000 years is in some way about "Identity," but particularly in the past few decades Identity Art has been a major stream in the current of contemporary art. Many artists from many diverse backgrounds have created "Identity Art" that both critiques the hegemony of the dominant culture and celebrates Identity and Diversity.

Therefore it seems time that we... well... let's not say create fake personas... let's say... explore Counterfactual Identity! :-}


In the Mixed Reality hybrid we live our lives in today, Identity Narratives are constructed by weaving content in the physical world and virtual content in complex and occasionally glorious tapestries. In this project you can hop-scotch across the 'net creating pages and virtual breadcrumbs... AND weaving, a RICH, COMPLEX Identity Narrative across these spaces.

"Make up" all the stuff you like... but try to make as compellingly "Real" a persona as you can in the process. Love and Hate. Poetry and Brutality. Your deepest secret fears. Your wildest, improbably dreams. Can you weave an identity that is more real than reality??

Part A - Pick an Identity

You may create any persona you like, start with a name, start with an idea, start with a bunch of objects you gather to inspire you...

Want some help picking a name? Here you go:

Part B - Work the Net

Here's a few ideas for how you could "express" your identity online:
  1. Sketch out a Profile for your new persona
  2. Open an Email account for them (use middle initials, middle names, name variants, or numbers as needed)
  3. duh, they don't exist if they don't have a Facebook!
  4. take a bunch of Pix of them & post to Facebook (pix of you or borrowed from web or shot in Second Life)
  5. write up an awesome Bio/Profile on Facebook
  6. Create any other accounts you like, like a Blog, Flickr, etc
  7. Pair up with any other 9a or 11a student & make a video of the 2 of you at http://www.xtranormal.com/ (post to YouTube & embed on wiki)

Artist to Research
We will each draw a name from the hat and receive an artist to research extensively and present to the class. As described below, we will also pick any 12 artists from this list for shorter viewing and analysis of their work.

Edweard Muybridge
Robert Rauschenberg

Bill Viola
Gary Hill
Joan Jonas
Bruce Nauman
Nam June Paik
Mariko Mori
Matthew Barney
Tony Oursler
John Whitney
Toni Dove

Gracie Kendal
Joseph DeLappe (first life name)
Four Yip
Vaneeesa Blaylock
Comet Morigi
Bryn Oh
Miso Susanowa

Scott Blake
Erwin Redl
Eva & Franco Mattes
Masaki Fujihata
Knowbotic Research
Jeffrey Shaw
Thomson & Craighead
Christophe Bruno
Harold Cohen / Aaron
Jennifer Ringley / Jennicam

Module 3 Changes
• No food in the classroom
• Attendance mandatory EVERY DAY - no more "discussion groups." From today, March 21, through May 18:
0, 1, 2 unexcused absences = your normal grade
3, 4 unexcused absences = -1 Letter Grade
5 unexcused absences = -2 Letter Grades
6 or more unexcused absences = F in course
Absences will be excused if you provide medical documentation for sick days.

• We will still have 2 weeks of "lecture" and 2 weeks of "presentations," but now everyone will attend all presentations. The presentations will be a 5-minute presentation on your artist. (I will grade your museum trips & projects online)
• Comments on each other's blogs are still appreciated, however they are no longer required. Instead, for each of the 4 weeks of Module 3, in addition to extensive research & presentation on your artist, you should look up artists from the list on this page. Look up any 3 you like each week. Post one example of their work (still image or video) and write TWO ANALYTIC paragraphs in response to the piece. By ANALYTIC I mean not a simple "description" of the work, nor an "I like it" or "I don't like it," rather an articulate attempt to READ the work of art in the context of the ideas in this course and your own life. Each thoughtful & perceptive analysis will receive 1 point for a total possible of 12 points.
• In addition to the 12 artist analyses, please blog on Your Museum Trip, Your Project, and Your Presentation Artist.

Points for M3
• Up to 12 points for your 12 artist analysis blogs
• Up to 4 points for your Museum Trip & Analytic Write-up
• Up to 4 points for your M3 Art Project
• Up to 5 points for your M3 Artist Presentation
12+4+4+5 = 25 points possible for M3

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Basta Dobbs

One more video before we leave "Identity"... we watched Angry Little Asian Girl... and We're All Angels... here's a piece from the Basta Dobbs campaign...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Open House

Hi Guys!

I thought I'd have a little Open House on Saturday from 1-4. Drop by if you have a chance. The address is in this thing (zap it with your smart phone "QR / Bar Code Reader)(or just ask me)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Round Tuit

As this round roman Tuit suggests, time's a tickin, get bloggin!
(yes, as in "I'll do it when I get around to it")

Most peeps are only being followed by 3 or 4 peeps... the WHOLE CLASS should be following the WHOLE CLASS! (just your 9 or 11 section, you don't have to follow the other peeps)

1. Follow Everybody
2. Blog a lot
3. Write about your artist, identity, beauty, truth, real, fake, realism, romanticism, etc
4. Have a great weekend
5. Comment on peeps blogs!
6. Read everybody in your group before the midterm
7. Still have a great weekend!
8. See you next week!

-- Glenn

More Dance!

Wow, never realized how much dance there is around our building! :)

Phone Apps!

Hey guys, we've had lots of questions about phone apps for Blogger.

I guess for Android phones there's lots of choices (since Blogger & Android both come from Google - hahaha) but maybe less for iPhone.

Torsten says that BLOGPRESS for iPhone is awesome (but everybody moaned when he said it cost a whopping $4! :P

Somebody else said BLOGSPACE for $0 worked pretty good.

Anyway, hopefully all these phone apps won't produce super short posts... or maybe lots of short posts... oh... and don't forget you can also edit your phone post later at home and write more if you want.

Anyway, if you have any comments, experiences, etc on iPhone Apps, Android Apps (anybody still use Blackberry??) post them below! Share your info!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Potluck - M2 - 11a - Group A

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 11a - Group D

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 11a - Group C

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 11a - Group B

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 9a - Group A

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 9a - Group D

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 9a - Group C

You know the drill! :)

Potluck - M2 - 9a - Group B

You Know The Drill! :)


Hey guys!
Here's your new "Master Carpool Page"

If you've got a car... need a ride... whatever... to museums and other stuff... chime in here... with times etc... 9 & 11 peeps can mix of course, it's all good!

And don't forget to pitch in a little to help with gas money! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lil Mex

Wow... do you guys remember back when we did "Module 1 - Painting"? It seems like it was only yesterday! Anyway, so much fun! I was just remembering this pix of Lil Mex and her awesome painting.

Good Times!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monique's Birthday!

Meanwhile over at CSULB it's TA Monique's birthday today so we get cake!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Hmm... when you look at the peeps "following" yourself... or someone else...

If you click on their little pix, for some it lists LINKS and you can go to their blog... for others it doesn't and there's no way to get to their blog! :(

That seems a little wacky on Blogger's part... if you click on a pix it should be easy to get to their blog...

but let's help Blogger along... so be sure to either "Follow" yourself and/or add a LINK TO Your Blog ON Your Blogger Profile.

We want to find you!! :))

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Art / Dance Thing

IDK I walked thru the art department and peeps were dancin'

Of course the *real* reason I snapped this photo was just that I wanted to play with the Blogger phone app...

But once I made myself

I realized that the art department lobby is a place where a lot of unique things happen... strange hi-tek Native American installation pieces... cardboard robots... and people dancing...

It seemed like they were "spacing." Not as in being trippy... but as in translating some movement to a given site... I'm sure you see this in the dance building and maybe the theater building all the time... but even in Art... or Business or Psychology or Nursing... maybe we don't think as much about our bodies in space or in relation to other bodies/people existing and moving thru that space.

It's pretty cool.

Something really powerful and alive about bodies in space! Funny, but in the virtual world "Second Life," one of the biggest things that peeps there love to do is to dance! Or to "have their avatars dance" - in some ways you could say this is silly because *you* aren't *really* dancing...

But it's also kind of interesting and perhaps even beautiful in the sense that existing in space is how we experience ourselves or know that we're alive... so perhaps there's an aspect of that when peeps have their avatars dance... and I guess that's also a social thing: movement - music - chat...

Anyway... maybe I should walk thru the Art Department lobby more often...

Or maybe I should see what peeps @Cypress are doing more often!

11a Demo #2

This is the Cypress College Campanile. Did you know that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is ALSO a "campanile"?!

Check it:

Anyway, this is my 11a demo for how to "instant" upload your camera pix from Picasa > Blogger. Fast, Easy, Cool - we like that!

11a rocks

The best art class ever!

And by "best" I, of course mean the enthusiastic (and sometimes colorful) students! :))

This is my in-class demo of using a Blogger phone app to do a blog post!

9a Demo #2

This is the CC Art Gallery - we're goin!

I think I heard that the budget crisis has really hit the gallery and it isn't able to be open as many days a year as it used to be... but they have a cool new show opening tomorrow! Since it's video works... it seems like a perfect show to go visit during our Module 3 - New Media. I hope we can find one of the artists or curators from the show to chat with us when we go visit.

All that... and this is my 9a demo of sending snaps from my camera from Picasa to Blogger. Fast, Easy, Fun! Love that!

9a rocks

In class, yay

This was a quick class demo of using a Blogger phone app to do a blog post. I hope I don't encourage extra-superficial posts... hahaha... but it WOULD be pretty cool to do your museum blog WHILE you're at the museum!

For sure there's power in experiencing something "now" and then "writing it up" later... after it's had some time to roll around in your brain and "process" for a while... but it's also pretty cool to capture images, ideas, and feelings while, for example, you're right at the museum experiencing it... and while you can run around and check other artworks or wall text or whatever to fill in things that cross your mind.

Picasa > Blogger

OMG - new computer has a GREEN case in my all Black-White-Red office - uggh - the tragedy!

Sunrise - better get to campus already!

Anyway, sending pix from Picasa to Blogger seems pretty easy - yay - I'll snap a few pix on campus this morning and demo sending them to your blog.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 21, 2011

Projects2 - Identity

Museum Trip

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Admission & Parking - check museum website

The Norton Simon is a "medium" sized museum... LACMA... is larger! :)

Most, but not all, of LACMA is photo friendly.

Look through the buildings of LACMA and select one work per building that seems to in some way say something about who you are. Post a photo of each (if possible) on your blog. We like pictures with you standing near the artwork.

Write a paragraph for each piece explaining how it resonates for you.

Write a summary integrating your "art collection" at LACMA.

Art Project

Create an Identity collage. This project is wide open in terms of ideas and media. You could do a traditional "paper & glue" collage... you could do a video collage...

You can focus most of your energy in creating the piece. But also include a bit of writing discussing why and how you've created the piece.

Artist to Research

You have until your midterm to complete your Museum & Collage projects, but please post your artist project by Wed 2 March so your group members will have time to read and comment on your artist.

Please be sure to read your group-mates work before your midterm.

Adrian Piper
Dread Scott (NY artist)
Barbara Kruger
Jenny Holzer
Cindy Sherman
Nikki S. Lee
Judy Chicago
Coco Fusco
Guillermo Gomez-Peña
James Luna
Jimmy Durham
“Angry Little Asian Girl”
Guillermo Gomez-Peña & Coco Fusco
Lari Pittman
Komar & Melamid
Ilya Kabakov
Tetsuya Noda
Masaaki Sato
Yasumasa Morimura
Yukinori Yanagi
Chéri Samba
Mary Kelly
Hannah Wilke
Geoffrey Bardon
Fritz Scholder
Karen Finley

Projects1 - Painting

Sp’11-9a1 – Painting

Museum Trip

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena
Admission – Free with Student ID
Parking – Free

The Norton Simon is a great museum for our class! Not small… not ginormous… a nice, medium-sized place. And the ground floor has 600 years of painting, 14th – 20th centuries, nicely organized across the length of the museum, so you can really get a sense of culture, ideas, and styles across the different ages. Plus the place is camera friendly! They don’t like flash pix, but otherwise you can pretty much go nuts.

They own a ton of “Degas Ballerina” sculptures (you can’t miss ‘em!) So why don’t you copy a ballerina pose and have someone take a picture of you near the sculpture. If you get super-near, the security guards might freak out, but as long as it looks like you aren’t putting the art in any danger, they’re pretty cool with us.

They also have a nice garden you can check out and a nice South & Southeast Asian collection downstairs.

Find any 2 paintings to talk about. Take a photo of you with them. Then write about them, “Compare & Contrast”… you can pick 2 paintings in the same room (time period) or way apart, or whatever you like. How are these pieces the same? How are they different?

If we’d bought that $143 textbook, it would have a chapter on “Formal Elements” like Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Rhythm, Harmony, Scale, Balance… you can still think about those words and use them to compare the “Formal Qualities” of the paintings. For “Content,” what are they about, what’s going on? Again, compare and contrast.

Art Project

Graffiti Writing at the Venice Legal Art Walls

As you’ll read on their website, they’re open Sat & Sun from 10a to half-hour before sunset. Anyone can paint as long as they bring ID and get a permit. There’s no cost, except maybe for parking. If you’re under 18, you can still paint, but they won’t let you use spray paint… you have to use brush or roller paint. But that actually doesn’t suck as much as it sounds. You can go to the hardware store and get those little mini 4″ rollers – they’re so fast & fun to work with.

Like pretty much all Museum Visits & Projects, this will be a lot more fun if you go with some peeps from class. Plus Graffiti Writing with one color of paint is weak. If you go by yourself at least take 2 colors. If you go with class peeps, just have each person bring 1 can, and you’ll have lots of colors.

Have fun & take pix. Snap whatever you do, and take some pix of other work you like there. Then just blog a little bit about your experience. If you want to shoot some video, you can just upload it to YouTube and embed it in your blog.

Artist to Research

Here’s the list of names we’re drawing from the hat. After you post your piece on your artist, put a comment to this page with the URL for your post so we can check out what you wrote. Post it by the end of this week (week 2) Sunday 30 Jan, so we can have Week 3 to look at what everybody wrote and leave comments before we start midterms.

Chauvet Cave, 32,000 YA (YA = “Years Ago”)
Altamira Cave, 14,000 YA

Hildegard von Bingen, 1098-1179
Jan Van Eyck, 1395-1441
Hieronymus Bosch, 1450-1516
Raphael, 1483-1520
Johannes Vermeer, 1632-1675
Francisco Goya, 1746-1828
JMW Turner, 1775-1851
Hiroshige, 1797-1858
Victorine Meurent, 1844-1927
Claude Monet, 1840-1926
Wassily Kandinsky, 1866-1944
Henri Matisse, 1869-1954
Pablo Picasso, 1881-1973
Jackson Pollock, 1912-1956
Yves Klein, 1928-1962
Andy Warhol, 1928-1987
Sol LeWitt, 1928-2007
Keith Haring, 1958-1990
Jean-Michel Basquiat, 1960-1988

Yayoi Kusama, 1929-
Chuck Close, 1940-
Julian Schnabel, 1951-
Matt Groening, 1954-
Mark Kostabi, 1960-
Lady Pink, 1964-
Shepard Fairey, 1970-
Banksy, 1974-
Kat Von D, 1982-
Neck Face, 1984-

Zevs, ?-
Revok, ?-
Joe Connolly (Graffiti Guerilla) ?-
Fafi, ?-

John Cage, 1912-1992 (not a painter, but we’ve brought him up)

Questions2 - Identity

We're starting our Module 2 - Identity today.

From 23 Feb to 20 Mar, you can use this page for all your questions to Glenn or your classmates.
  • Questions about Artists or Projects
  • Museum Carpools
  • Anything!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hello World

Yes, we're moving again. Yes, I know, lame.

Module 1 - Painting, is done... and we're ready to roll on Modules 2, 3, 4 - Identity, New Media, and Alternative Media. So it's the perfect time to take what we've learned and fine-tune things.

With apologies to the Tumblr fans, I think we've learned that Wordpress & Blogger are the 2 leading free blogs. And while each will let you comment on a blogger on the other service, they both treat you a bit better if you're "one of theirs." Now is a nice time for us to all meet-up on one service and blog our Modules 2, 3, 4 there.

I actually like Wordpress better, I think it's more powerful... but I think the majority of students think Blogger is easier. Plus there's 1-button export from your pix in Picasa to your Blogger blog, that'll really be powerful.

Oh, if you need that free copy of Picasa for PC or Mac, it's here:

Yes, of course you can use iPhoto, Photoshop, or any other thing you like, but Picasa's free, powerful and easy, so you might find it helpful.

So... here goes!

Yay, we love Blogger, oh yeah!